G.O. Ms. No.101 |
Dated: 24/10/2011
ORDER: The following Notification shall be published in the next issue of the Official Gazette.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 38 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act 35 of 2009), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, is pleased to make the following rules namely:-
Short title and Commencement.-
- These Rules may be called, ‘the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011’.
- They shall come into force on and from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
- “Act” means, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act 35 of 2009);
- “Anganwadi” means an Anganwadi Centre established under the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India;
- “Block Resource Centre” means block level resource centre for elementary level teachers;
- “Child” means any child of the age of 6 to 14 years;
- “Children with Special Needs” means children with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (Central Act 1 of 1996);
- “Cluster Resource Centre” means cluster level resource centre for elementary level teachers;
“Inspecting Officer” means the officer responsible for implementing the programmes for elementary education in areas under his/her jurisdiction and includes the following:
- the Joint Director (Secondary Education) in respect of Higher Secondary Schools in the Union Territory having elementary classes;
- the Chief Educational Officer/Deputy Director(Women Education) in respect of High Schools having elementary classes, Middle Schools (in Puducherry, Karaikal and Mahe) and Primary Schools (in Mahe);
- the Delegate to the Director of School Education in respect of High Schools having elementary classes, Middle and Primary Schools (in Yanam); and
- the Deputy Inspector of Schools in respect of Primary Schools (in Puducherry and Karaikal).
- “Local Authority” means Municipalities and Commune Panchayats and Village/Gram Panchayats;,
- “Neighbourhood” means a habitation within one and three kilometers distance from school in respect of classes from I to V and VI to VIII, respectively;
- “Pre-Primary Stage” means classes LKG/ Montessori-I & UKG/ Montessori-II
- “Pupil Cumulative Record” means record of the progress of the child based on comprehensive and continuous evaluation;
- “School mapping”’ means planning school location to overcome social barriers and geographical distance;
- “Union Territory” means the Union Territory of Puducherry;
- “Union Territory Government” means the Government of Puducherry.
- All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Act.
3. Special Training for ‘Out of School Children’.-
The Government of Puducherry/Directorate of School Education/ Local Authority shall identify children requiring special training and organise such training in the following manner:
- The special training shall be based on specially designed, age appropriate learning material, approved by the Academic Authority to be notified by the Government of Puducherry in accordance with sub-section (1) of section 29 of the Act;
- It shall be provided in classes held on the premises of the school, or through classes organised in safe residential facilities;
- It shall be provided by teachers working in the school, or by teachers specially appointed for the purpose;
- The duration shall be a minimum period of three months which may be extended, based on periodical assessment of learning progress, to a maximum period not exceeding two years.
- The child shall, upon induction into the age appropriate class, after special training, continue to receive special attention by the teacher to enable him/her to successfully integrate with the rest of the class, academically and emotionally.
4. Areas or limits for the purposes of access.-
The areas or limits of neighbourhood within which a school has to be established by the Government of Puducherry/Local Authority shall be as under:
- In respect of children in classes from I to V, a school shall be established within a walkable distance of one kilometre of the neighbourhood;
- In respect of children in classes from VI to VIII, a school shall be established within a walkable distance of three kilometres of the neighbourhood.
- Wherever required, the Government of Puducherry shall upgrade existing schools with classes from I to V to include classes from VI to VIII.
- For children from small hamlets as identified by the Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority, where no school exists within the area or limits of neighbourhood specified under sub-rule (1), the Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall make adequate arrangements, such as free transportation and other facilities, for providing elementary education in a school, in relaxation of the area limits specified in the said sub-rule.
- In areas with high population density, the Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority may consider establishment of more than one neighbourhood school, having regard to the number of children in the age group of 6-14 years in such areas.
- The Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall identify the neighbourhood school(s) where children can be admitted and make such information public for each habitation.
- In respect of children with special needs, whose disability prevent them from accessing school, the Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall make appropriate and safe transportation arrangements for them to attend school and complete elementary education.
- The Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall ensure that access of children to the school is not hindered on account of social and cultural factors.
5. Duties of Union Territory Government and Local Authority.-
- A child attending a school of the Government of Puducherry or Local Authority referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act in pursuance of clasue (a) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act, a child attending a school referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act in pursuance of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act, and a child attending a school referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act shall be entitled to all the facilities provided by the Government of Puducherry.
- For the purpose of determining and for establishing neighbourhood schools, Directorate of School Education/Local Authority shall undertake school mapping and identify all children, including children in remote areas, children with special needs, children belonging to disadvantaged groups, children belonging to weaker sections and children referred to in section 4 of the Act within a period of one year from the commencement of the Rules and every year thereafter.
- The Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall ensure that no child is subjected to caste, class, religious or gender abuse in the school.
- For the purposes of clause (c) of section 8 and clause (c) of section 9 of the Act, the Government of Puducherry and the Local Authority shall ensure that a child belonging to weaker section and a child belonging to disadvantaged group is not segregated or discriminated against in the classroom, in the play ground, during midday meal or in utilising any other facilities.
Provided that a child with special needs shall also be provided free special learning and support materials.
Explanation : In respect of the child admitted in pursuance of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act and a child admitted in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act, the responsibility of providing the free entitlement (issued by the Government) shall be of the school referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act and of sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act respectively.
6. Maintenance of records of children.-
- The Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall maintain a record of all children in the areas of its jurisdiction from their birth till they attain 14 years of age. A unique number may be given to every child to monitor his/her enrolment, attendance and learning achievement.
- The record, referred to in sub-rule (1), shall be updated each year.
- The record, referred to in sub-rule (1), shall be maintained transparently in the public domain, and used for the purposes of clause (f) of section (8) and clause (e) of section 9 of the Act.
The record, referred to in sub-rule (1) shall, in respect of every child, include-
- name, sex, date of birth, place of birth of the child;
- Name, address, occupation of the parent or guardian;
- pre-primary school/Anganwadi centre that the child attends;
- elementary school where the child is admitted;
- present address of the child;
- class in which the child is studying (for children between the age of 6-14 years), and if education is discontinued, the particulars and the cause of such discontinuance;
- whether the child belongs to the weaker section within the meaning of clause (e) of section 2 of the Act;
- whether the child belongs to a disadvantaged group within the meaning of clause (d) of section 2 of the Act;
- details of children requiring special facilities / residential facilities on account of (i) migration and sparse population; (ii) age appropriate admission; and (iii) disability.
- The Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority shall ensure that the names of all children enrolled in the schools are publicly displayed in each school.
- The Government of Puducherry shall evolve a child tracking system for monitoring not only the academic progress of children in schools but also their retention and transition.
7. Quality of Education.-
- The Government of Puducherry shall ensure providing of good quality education uniformly in all schools and to this end specify norms and standards in respect of all activities involving quality. These norms and standards shall supplement the norms and standards prescribed in the Schedule to the Act.
- At the school level, the Cluster Resource Person shall assist the Head of School to monitor quality and bring any lapses to the notice of the Inspecting officer and Block Resource Co-ordinator in respect of infrastructure and learning levels and they shall take steps to rectify the lapses.
- The Government of Puducherry shall regularly monitor the levels of learning of children in all government, aided and unaided schools having elementary classes through the Directorate of School Education and bring out annual reports on the quality of education in the Union Territory.
- Based upon these reports, the Directorate of School Education shall devise a mandatory remedial teaching programme in every class/subject for those children who have not been able to reach the expected learning levels.
- In order to ensure quality education in every school, the Government of Puducherry shall devise a continuous system of measurement of achievement for all classes, maintenance of portfolios for each child, devise remedial programmes and devise a system.
- The Government of Puducherry shall grade every school having elementary classes in the Union territory on a set of quality parameters. The schools falling in the last two grades shall be targeted for remedial measures within a certain time frame. They shall also be given opportunities to improve their grading periodically.
- The Government of Puducherry shall strengthen the monitoring mechanism of schools having elementary classes in the Union territory and ensure quality based academic supervision of all schools periodically.
- The Government of Puducherry shall fix norms and standards in respect of availability of books/newspapers/magazines in the library, list of equipment in the laboratory, number of experiments to be conducted in science subjects in each class, number and types of educational visits that each school should undertake, maps, charts, sports and other equipment based upon the number of children studying in every school.
8. Admission of children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group.-
- The school referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act shall not be segregated from the other children in the classrooms nor shall their classes be held at places and timings different from the classes held for the other children.
- The school referred to in sub- clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act shall not be discriminated against from the rest of the children in any manner pertaining to all the facilities.
- The area or limits of neighbourhood specified in sub rule (1) of rule 4 shall apply to admissions made in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act:
- The Directorate of School Education shall maintain the list of the children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections in the neighbourhood area of every aided or unaided private school and specified category schools within its jurisdiction.
Provided that the school may, for the purpose of filling up the requisite percentage of seats for children referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act, extend the area or the limits of the neighbourhood with the prior approval of the Government of Puducherry.
9. Reimbursement of per-child expenditure by the Government of Puducherry.-
- The total annual recurring expenditure incurred by the Government of Puducherry/Local Authority whether from its own funds, or funds provided by the Central Government, on elementary education in respect of schools referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act divided by the total number of children enrolled in all such schools, shall be the per-child- expenditure incurred by the Government of Puducherry.
- Every school referred to in sub-clause (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act shall maintain a separate bank account in respect of the amount received by it as reimbursement under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Act.
- There shall be a Committee at the state level comprising Education Secretary, Director of School Education, Joint/Deputy Secretary (Finance), Director of Local Administration, State Project Director (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan), Deputy Director (Elementary Education) and a Deputy Inspector of Schools for the purpose of assessing per-child-expenditure incurred by the Government of Puducherry or the Local Authority for making reimbursement of expenditure as provided under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Act.
- The Education Secretary shall be the Chairperson of the Committee. The Deputy Director (Elementary Education) shall be the Member Secretary.
- The Committee shall meet within three months after the notification of these Rules and thereafter every year in May to assess the per-child-expenditure incurred by the Government of Puducherry/Local Authority during the previous year, which will form the basis for calculating the amount for reimbursement during the next academic year.
- A Committee shall be constituted for fixing the fees to be collected from children for various classes in private schools.
- The Inspecting officers shall fix the amount to be reimbursed to unaided private schools under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Act, taking into account the per-child-expenditure and the fees as fixed by the Committee to be charged by schools, prepare a consolidated statement and submit it to the Directorate of School Education for release of funds as specified under sub-rule (8) of rule 9.
- The reimbursement shall be made through the budgetary support or any other source as determined by the Government of Puducherry.
- The reimbursement will be made directly through e-transfer into the separate bank account maintained by the school in two installments during the academic year. First installment of 50% will be released in the month of September and the balance in the month of January.
- The school shall, in the month of July, submit the list of students admitted in the school to the Inspecting Officer for reimbursement under section 12 of the Act. The Inspecting Officer shall verify the enrolment of the children before making the reimbursement of the first installment. The second installment will be made after verification of the retention of children.
Explanation - For the purpose of determining the per-child-expenditure, the expenditure incurred by the Government of Puducherry/Local Authority on schools referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act and the children enrolled in such schools shall not be included.
10. Birth Certificate for admission.-
Wherever a birth certificate under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Certification Act, 1886 is not available, any one of the following documents shall be deemed to be proof of age of the child for the purpose of admission in schools:
- Hospital record;
- Anganwadi record;
- Declaration of the date of birth of the child by the parent or guardian through an affidavit which also contains a declaration that a birth certificate as mentioned above is not available for the child, that the given date of birth is correct to the best of his/her knowledge and that no change in the date of birth will be sought for in future.
11. Extended Period of Admission.-
- Extended period of admission shall be six months from the date of commencement of the academic year of a school.
- Where a child is admitted in a school after the extended period, he or she shall be eligible to complete studies with the help of special training, as determined by the head of the school.
12. Recognition of Schools.-
Every school, other than the schools referred to in sub clauses (i) and (iii) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Act, established before the commencement of the Act for imparting elementary education shall make an application within a period of three months from the notification of the Rules to the respective Inspecting Officer containing self declaration, regarding its compliance or otherwise with the norms and standards prescribed in the Schedule of the Act and fulfillment of the following conditions in Form I:
- the school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under the law in force from time to time.
- the school is not run for profit to any individual, group or association of individuals or any other persons;
- the school conforms to the values enshrined in the Constitution;
- the school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes of education and skill development;
- the school is open to inspection by the concerned Inspecting officer and any officer authorised by the Directorate of School Education / Local Authority;
- the school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Directorate of School Education/ Inspecting Officers/ Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from time to time and complies with such instructions of the Government of Puducherry / Directorate of School Education/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in the working of the school;
- the school maintains the norms and standards specified under section 19 of the Act;
- the school (aided private) provides free and compulsory elementary education to such proportion of children admitted therein as its annual recurring aid or grants so received bears to its annual recurring expenses, subject to a minimum of twenty five percent;
- the school (unaided private) will provide reservation of minimum 25 % in class I for the children of disadvantaged groups and children of weaker sections from the neighbourhood area .
- the school (unaided private) having pre-primary education will provide reservation of at least 25 % of its enrolment at the initial stage of admission to the children of disadvantaged groups and the children of weaker sections of the neighbourhood area under section 12 of the Act;
- the school does not collect any capitation fee from students on admission;
- the school does not subject the child or his/her parents/guardians to any screening procedure for admission;
- the school does not subject a child to physical punishment or mental harassment;
- the school does not hold back any child in any class or expel any child from the school till the completion of elementary education;
- the school will submit, every year before the commencement of academic session, fee to be charged from the children of classes LKG/UKG/Class I to Class VIII, as fixed by the Committee specified under sub-rule (5) of rule 9, to the Inspecting Officer;
- the school complies with the provisions of the Act.
- The Director of School Education shall be the designated authority to issue certificate of recognition and certificate of renewal of recognition to the school under section 18 of the Act; this authority shall not be delegated. The application seeking recognition shall also mention the neighbourhood area of the school that shall be covered under the provision of clause (c) of sub- section (1) of Section 12 of the Act. The school, at first, shall furnish information in the electronic form in the website maintained for the purpose so that the school information is, immediately, put on the public domain. The school shall get a receipt and registration number after filing the data in the website. Thereafter, the school shall submit the application form along with the copy of the receipt to the respective Inspecting Officer, who shall acknowledge receipt of the application.
- A Committee, constituted by the Director of School Education, consisting of an educationist, a Government representative and the respective Inspecting Officer shall verify the information submitted by the school in the application through inspection of the school and if the school seeking recognition fulfills the norms and standards prescribed in the Schedule of the Act and the conditions laid down under sub-rule (1) of rule 12, send the application form in original along with his / her report, within thirty days of receipt of the application, to the Director of School Education through the Deputy Director (Elementary Education) for consideration.
- The Director of School Education, if necessary, may make or may cause to make inspection of the school to verify if the school seeking recognition fulfills the norms and standards prescribed under section 19 of the Act.
- The Director of School Education, on being satisfied that the school fulfills the norms and standards prescribed under section 19 and section 25 of the Act shall issue the recognition certificate in Form-2. The certificate shall be for a period of three years and shall be issued within 45 days from the date of making application for recognition.
- If a school established before the commencement of the Act does not fulfill the norms of pupil-teacher ratio as specified in the Schedule of the Act, the Director of School Education shall issue a provisional certificate granting permission to run the school for a period up to six months from the date of notification of the Rules. The provisional certificate shall be issued in Form-3 as shown in the Appendix.
- If a school established before the commencement of the Act fulfills the norms of pupil teacher ratio as specified in the Schedule of the Act, but does not fulfill other norms and standards specified in the Schedule, the Director of School Education shall issue a provisional certificate granting permission to run the school for a period up to three years from the date of notification of the Rules. The provisional certificate shall be issued in Form-3 as shown in the appendix:
- For renewal of recognition for a school after three years, the application shall be submitted to the Inspecting Officer in Form I by 30th November of the preceding year. The Inspecting Officer after ensuring the continued fulfillment of the norms and standards prescribed in the Schedule to the Act and the conditions laid down under sub-rule (1) of rule 12, shall forward the application along with his recommendation and the designated authority will renew the recognition for three more years.
- For opening a new school and for starting the next higher class/stage, the application shall be submitted in Form – I by 30th November of the preceding year and the procedure for recognition is the same as specified under sub-rules (1) to (5) of rule 12.
- No new school shall be opened after the commencement of the Act without obtaining recognition certificate issued under section 18 of the Act.
- The recognition certificate issuing authority shall inspect or cause to inspect the school every year to verify fulfillment of conditions of recognition.
- Information of recognition of any school will be sent to the Local Authority so that local public representatives have knowledge of establishment of a recognized private school.
Provided that if the school fulfills the required norms and standards within the time frame specified in the provisional certificate, the certificate issuing authority, on receipt of the request from the school for recognition, should satisfy himself/ herself and shall issue the certificate of recognition as laid down under sub–rule (5) above;
Provided further that if the school does not claim recognition by fulfilling the required norms and standards within the period specified in the provisional certificate it shall cease to be a recognized school and running of such a school shall be punishable under section 19 of the Act. The authority granting recognition shall issue an order in writing detailing reasons for non grant of recognition to the school. The order shall be pasted at a prominent place in the school and will be put on the public domain. This order shall also contain the name /names of the neighbourhood school/ schools where the children of the unrecognized school will be admitted.
13. Withdrawal of recognition to schools.-
Where the Director of School Education, on written information from the Inspecting Officer or on any representation received from any person, has reason to believe, to be recorded in writing, that a school recognized under rule 12, has violated one or more conditions for grant of recognition or has failed to fulfill the norms and the standards prescribed in the Schedule appended to the Act, he/she shall act in the following manner:
- Issue a notice to the school specifying the violation of the norms, standards and conditions of grant of recognition and seek its explanation within two weeks;
- In case the explanation is not found to be satisfactory or no explanation is received within the stipulated time period, the Director of School Education may cause an inspection of the school, to be conducted by a Committee of three members comprising of an educationist and two Government representatives, which shall make due inquiry and submit its report, along with its recommendations for continuation of recognition or its withdrawal, to the Director of School Education;
- The Director of School Education shall, on the basis of the recommendations pass an order withdrawing the recognition granted to the school. The order of de-recognition shall be operative immediately from the succeeding academic year and shall specify the neighbourhood schools to which the children of the de-recognized school shall be admitted.
14. Composition and functions of the School Management Committee.-
- A School Management Committee shall be constituted in every school, other than an unaided school, within three months of the notification of the Rules and reconstituted every two years.
- The Committee shall have twelve (12) members in addition to an ex-officio member:
- Of them, nine members shall be from amongst parents or guardians of students of the school:
three members shall be from amongst the following persons:
- One member shall be from amongst the elected members of the Local Authority, to be decided by the Local Authority;
- One member shall be from amongst teachers of the school, to be decided by the teachers of the school;
- One member shall be from amongst local retired school headmasters and teachers or children studying in the school, to be decided by the parents or guardians of the students of the school.
Provided that six members of the Committee shall be women;
Provided that proportionate representation shall be given to the parents or guardians of the children belonging to disadvantaged group and weaker section;
- The Head of School / Teacher-in-charge of the school shall be the ex-officio Member-Convener of the Committee.
- To manage its affairs, the School Management Committee shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from among the parent members every year; the Chairperson will be elected from men and women parent members alternately every year; when the Chairperson is not a woman in a particular year, the Vice-Chairperson shall be a woman.
- The School Management Committee shall meet at least once a month and the minutes and decisions of the meetings shall be properly recorded and made available to the public.
- The School Management Committee shall, in addition to the functions specified in clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section (2) of section 21 of the Act, perform the following functions, for which it may constitute smaller working groups from amongst its members;
- Communicate in simple and creative ways to the population in the neighbourhood of the school, the rights of the child as enunciated in the Act; as also the duties of the Government of Puducherry, Local Authority, school and parent or guardian;
- Ensure the implementation of clauses (a) to (e) of section 24 and section 28 of the Act;
- Monitor that teachers are not burdened with non academic duties other than those specified in section 27 of the Act;
- Ensure the enrolment and continued attendance of all the children from the neighbourhood in the school;
- Monitor the maintenance of the norms and standards prescribed in the Schedule to the Act;
- Bring to the notice of the Government of Puducherry /Local Authority any deviation from the rights of the child, in particular mental and physical harassment of children, denial of admission, and any lapse in provision of free entitlement as per sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Act;
- Identify the needs, prepare a Plan, and monitor the implementation of the provisions of section 4 of the Act;
- Monitor the identification and enrolment of and facilities for learning for children with special needs and ensure their participation in and completion of elementary education;
- Monitor the implementation of the Midday Meal Programme in the school;
- Prepare an annual account of receipts and expenditure of the school.
- Any money received by the School Management Committee, shall be kept in a separate joint account of the Chairperson and the Member-Convener and be made available for audit every year.
- The accounts referred to in clause (k) of sub-rule (6) above should be signed by the Chairperson and Member-Convener of the School Management Committee and made available to the Inspecting Officer/Local Authority within one month after the end of the financial year.
15. Preparation of School Development Plan.-
- The School Management Committee shall prepare a School Development Plan by 15th February of the financial year in which it is first constituted under the Act and afterwards once in three years.
- The School Development Plan shall be a three year plan comprising three annual sub- plans.
The School Development Plan shall contain the following details:
- Estimates of class-wise enrolment for each year;
- Requirement, over the three year period, of the number of additional teachers, including Head Teacher, separately for Classes I to V and classes VI to VIII, calculated with reference to the norms specified in the Schedule appended to the Act.
- Physical requirement of additional infrastructure and equipment over the three year period, calculated with reference to the norms and standards specified in the Schedule of the Act;
- Additional financial requirement over the three year period, year-wise, in respect of clauses (b) and (c) above, including additional requirement for providing special training facility specified in section 4 of the Act, entitlement of children such as free text books and uniform and any other additional financial requirement for fulfilling the responsibilities of the school under the Act.
- The School Development Plan should be signed by the Chairperson and Member-Convener of the School Management Committee and submitted to the Inspecting Officer /Local Authority by the end of February of the financial year in which it is to be prepared.
16. Minimum qualifications, salary and allowances and terms and conditions of service of teachers.-
Salary and allowances payable to teachers and their terms and conditions of service shall be as follows:
- The minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in the elementary stage shall be as per the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 23 of the Act.
- In case of teachers of government and aided schools, their salary and allowances shall be the salary and allowances of government employees including teachers decided from time to time. Terms and conditions of service of the teachers shall be those of government employees.
- The Head of School / Teacher-in-charge of the school shall be the ex-officio Member-Convener of the Committee.
- In case of teachers of unaided private schools, salary and allowances and their terms and conditions of service shall be decided by the school management subject to legislations, regulations and guidelines, if any, in force.
17. Duties of Teachers.-
- In performance of the functions specified in sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Act and in order to fulfill the requirements of clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 29, the teacher shall maintain the ‘Pupil Cumulative Record’ for every child which will be the basis for awarding the completion certificate specified in sub-section (2) of section 30 of the Act.
In addition to the functions specified in clauses (a) to (e) of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Act, a teacher shall perform the following duties assigned to him or her, without interfering with regular teaching:
- Participation in training programmes;
- Participation in curriculum formulation and development of syllabi, training modules and text books.
18. Grievance redressal of teachers.-
- The School Management Committee constituted under section 21 of the Act shall be the first level of grievance redressal forum for teachers and it shall redress their grievance within 30 days.
- There shall be a District Level Grievance Redressal Committee to redress the grievances of the teachers at the second level. If the grievances are not redressed at the first level, the teacher has the liberty to approach the District Level Grievance Redressal Committee.
- The Committee under sub-rule (2) above shall consist of Collector/ Regional Administrator, Director of School Education or his/her nominee, Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of Police, Deputy Director (Administration) or his/her nominee, a nominee from Health Department not below the rank of Deputy Director preferably a woman, Deputy Director of Department of Adi Dravidar Welfare and Chief Educational Officer / Delegate to the Director of School Education. The Collector/Regional Administrator will be the Chairman of the Committee. The Chief Educational Officer/Delegate to the Director of School Education will be the Convener.
- The Committee shall meet whenever required.
- Any teacher of the school established, owned, controlled or aided by the State Government may submit his/her grievance in writing to the Convener of the Committee. The Committee after enquiry, as it deems fit, will redress the grievance within 90 days. The Convener of the Committee will communicate the decision to the teacher.
- At the third level, there shall be an Appellate Authority; Secretary (Education) will be the Appellate Authority.
- Every unaided private school shall develop its own mechanism for redressal of grievances of teachers within three months of the notification of the rules and communicate it to the Directorate of School Education.
19. Maintaining Pupil-Teacher Ratio in each school.-
- The redeployment of teachers and posts of teachers shall be effected to maintain pupil-teacher ratio as specified under section 19 and in the Schedule of the Act before the commencement of every academic year in tune with the transfer policy of Directorate of School Education, which shall be notified within six months from the date of notification of the Rules.
- If any person violates the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 25 of the Act, he or she shall be personally liable for disciplinary action.
Provided that there shall not be any teacher posted in any school without the availability of post in order to maintain pupil teacher ratio as specified under sub-section (2) of section 25 of the Act.
20. Academic authority laying down the curriculum and evaluation procedure.-
The Government of Puducherry, within three months of the date of Notification of the rules, shall notify the academic authority/ authorities for the purposes of section 29 of the Act .
21. Award of certificate of completion of elementary education.-
- The head teacher or the teacher-in-charge of the school, after obtaining necessary approval from the concerned Inspecting Officer, shall issue the Certificate of completion of elementary education as specified under sub-section (2) of section 30 of the Act along with Pupil Cumulative Record within one month of the completion of elementary education in Form-4 as shown in the appendix:
The Certificate referred to in sub-rule (1) shall,–
- certify that the child has completed all courses of study prescribed by the academic authority.
- specify achievements of the child in areas of activities beyond the prescribed course of study and may include music, dance, literature, sports, etc.
Provided that the private school shall stamp prominently on the certificate, the number of the school recognition certificate issued by the Recognition Certificate Issuing Authority.
22. Constitution of Authority for Protection of Child Rights.-
- Till such time the Government of Puducherry sets up the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, it shall constitute an interim authority known as the Right to Education Protection Authority (REPA) for the purposes of performing the functions specified in sub-section (1) of section 31of the Act, within three months from the date of notification of the rules.
The Right to Education Protection Authority (REPA) shall consist of the following members:
- A Chairperson who is a person of high academic repute or has been a High Court Judge or has done outstanding work for promoting the rights of children; and
Two Members, of whom at least one shall be a woman, from the following areas, from amongst persons of eminence, ability, integrity, standing and experience in:
- education;
- child health care and child development;
- juvenile justice or care of neglected or marginalized children or children with disabilities;
- elimination of child labour or working with children in distress;
- child psychology or sociology; or
- legal profession.
- The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights Rules, 2006, shall, so far as it pertains to the terms and conditions, mutatis mutandis apply to the Chairperson and other members of REPA.
- All the records and assets of REPA shall be transferred to the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights immediately after its constitution.
- In performance of its functions, the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights or the REPA, as the case may be, may also act upon matters referred to it by the State Advisory Council on Elementary Education.
- The State Commission for Protection of Child Rights shall have a cell to perform its functions specified under the Act.
23. Manner of furnishing complaints before the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.-
- The State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, or the REPA, as the case may be, shall set up a child help line, accessible through Short Message Service (SMS), telephone and letter, which would act as the forum for aggrieved child/parent/guardian/member of public to register complaints regarding violation of rights of the child under the Act, in a manner that records his/her identity but does not disclose it;
- All complaints to the helpline should be monitored through a transparent ‘alert and action’ on-line mechanism by the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, or the REPA, as the case may be.
24. Constitution and Functions of the State Advisory Council on Elementary Education.-
- The State Advisory Council on Elementary Education for the purpose of section 34 of the Act shall consist of a Chairperson and eleven Members.
- The Minister in-charge of School Education in the Government of Puducherry shall be the ex-officio Chairperson of the Council.
Six members of the Council, shall be nominated by the Union Territory Government of Puducherry from amongst persons having knowledge and practical experience in the field of elementary education and child development, as under:
- Three members, one each, shall be from amongst persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and minorities;
- one member shall be from amongst persons having specialised knowledge and practical experience of education of children with special needs;
- one member shall be from amongst persons having specialized knowledge in the field of pre-primary education;
- one member shall be from amongst persons having specialized knowledge and practical experience in the field of teacher education;
The following shall be ex–officio members of the Council:
- Secretary (Education)
- Director of School Education
- Chairperson, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights / Right to Education Protection Authority
- Officer on Special Duty, State Training Centre
- State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan;
- State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan shall be the ex-officio Member Secretary of the Council;
- Fifty percent of the nominated members shall be women.
- The Council may invite representative of other Departments as required.
The procedure for transaction of Business of the Council shall be as under:
- The Council shall meet once in three months;
- The meeting of the Council shall be presided over by the Chairperson;
- Quorum of the meeting of the Council shall be considered complete, if at least 50% of its members ( representatives of members excluded) are present.
The terms and conditions for appointment of members of the Council shall be as under:
- Every non official member shall hold office for a term of two years from the date on which he/she assumes office.
A nominated member may be removed from his/her office by an order of the Government of Puducherry on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity, or on the happening of any one or more of the following events:
- is adjudged an insolvent;
- refuses to act or becomes incapable of acting;
- is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent Court;
- has so abused his office as to render his continuance in office detrimental to the public interest;
- is convicted for an offence by a competent Court; or
- is absent from two consecutive meetings of the Council without obtaining leave of absence from the Council;
- No member shall be removed from his/her office without being given an adequate opportunity of being heard;
- If vacancy occurs in the office of members, whether by reason of his death, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled within a period of 120 days by making a fresh appointment in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (3);
- Members of the Council shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances for official tours and journeys in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of Puducherry in relation to non-official members of the Committees and Commissions and such like categories of persons.
Provided that no non-official member shall be eligible for nomination for second term.
The functions of the State Advisory Council are,--
- The State Advisory Council shall function in an advisory capacity.
The State Advisory Council shall perform the following functions:
- Advise the Government of Puducherry on the implementation of the provisions of the Act in an effective manner.
- Carry out surveys/studies on the implementation of the Act and research on the effective implementation of the Act.
- Act as interface between the Public and the media and the Government of Puducherry in creating awareness, mobilization, and a positive environment for the implementation of the Act.
- The State Advisory Council shall prepare reports relating to the reviews, studies and research undertaken by it and furnish the same to the Government of Puducherry.
FORM – 1
Gram: |
Fax: |
FOR GRANT OF RECOGNITION/RENEWAL OF RECOGNITION OF SCHOOL/RECOGNITION FOR STARTING A NEW CLASS* (* Strike out whichever is not applicable) (Sub rule (1), (8) and (9) of Rule 12 of the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011) |
I forward an application in the prescribed proforma seeking grant of recognition/ renewal of recognition/ for starting the next higher class/stage to/in --------------------------------------------------------(Name of the school) with effect from the commencement of the school during the academic year ____________. A self declaration regarding compliance with the norms and standards specified in the Schedule of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is also enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
Chairman of Managing Committee/ Manager
Enclosure: Place: Date: |
Authorised Signatory
School Seal |
- Any other information, if necessary, may be furnished in separate sheets duly signed.
- All the responses are to be supported by copies of documents
A. General Information | ||
1. | Name of Educational Agency | |
2. | Year of Foundation | |
3. | Whether the Agency is a Trust/Society/Managing Committee | |
4. | Whether the Trust / Society / Managing Committee is registered | |
5. | Registration Number and Year | |
6. | Whether the Trust / Society/Managing Committee is functional now | |
7. | Whether there is a proof of non-proprietary character of the Trust/Society/Managing Committee supported by the list of members with their address on an affidavit | |
8. | Name, Official address of the Manager/President/Chairman of the School | |
Name | ||
Designation | ||
Address | ||
Phone | (Off) | |
(Res) | ||
B. School Details | ||
1. | Name of School | |
2. | Academic Session/School year | |
3. | District | Puducherry / Karaikal / Mahe / Yanam |
4. | Postal Address with Pin Code | |
5. | Village/City | |
6. | Phone Number with STD code | |
7. | Fax Number | |
8. | E-mail I.D. | |
9. | Nearest Police Station | |
10. | Details of existing schools within 5 Kms. of the proposed school | |
11. | Whether the school is opened for minorities. If yes, specify details. | |
C. Nature of School | ||
1. | Medium of Instruction | |
2. | Type of School (Boys/Girls/Co-Ed) | |
3. | Level of the School proposed, if new | |
4. | Whether the proposed school is applying for grant-in aid from Govt. | |
5. | If yes, give the details of grant being applied for | |
6. | Whether the school is a recognized existing school | |
7. | If the school is recognized, the details of authority ofrecognition and recognition number and year | |
8. | Level of up-gradation / Additional classes proposed in the existing school | |
9. | If aided, the name of Authority / Agency and percentage of aid | |
10. | If aided, give the details of grant-in aid received for last three years |
D. Land and Building Details of the School | ||
1. | Total land area of the school (in sq.mts.) | |
2. | Whether the land is owned / rented / leased | |
3. | If rented/leased, whether the rental /lease deed is effected – furnish details | |
4. | Built-in area of the school (in sq.mts.) | |
5. | Whether the building plan is approved by PPA/KPA/MPA/YPA. | |
6. | Whether building stability certificate is obtained from the competent authority | |
7. | Whether the school is run in a residential building | |
8. | Whether the school is run in one or more than one building | |
9. | Type of Building (RCC and others, indicate) | |
10. | How many floors are available in the building ? | |
11. | Details of Classrooms in the respective floors | |
12. | How many stair cases are available ? | |
13. | If yes, what is the width of each stair case ? | |
14. | Is there any proposal for expansion of building facilities?, If so furnish details. |
E. 1. Enrollment Details | |||||||||||||||||
Sl.No | Class | No. of Sections Medium |
No of Students | ||||||||||||||
Boys | Girls | Total | |||||||||||||||
T | Te | M | E | T | Te | M | E | T | Te | M | E | T | Te | M | E | ||
1. | Pre-Primary | ||||||||||||||||
2. | I to V | ||||||||||||||||
3. | VI to VIII | ||||||||||||||||
4. | IX & X | ||||||||||||||||
5. | XI & XII* | ||||||||||||||||
Total | |||||||||||||||||
Grand Total |
(T – Tamil Medium, Te – Telugu Medium, M – Malayalam Medium and E – English Medium)
(*Details of the streams of study and the sections and the strength of the students shall be enclosed separately)
F.1. Infrastructure details & Sanitary Conditions | |||
Room* | Numbers | Average Size | |
1. | Classroom | ||
2. | Rooms for other purposes (Office room/ room/library/laboratory/Sports/Store room/Kitchen etc.,) | ||
3. | Whether the number of classrooms are adequate for the existing classes in the school | ||
4. | Teaching and learning materials (Charts/maps/and others- attach list) | ||
5. | Sports and play equipment (attach list) | ||
6. | Library (a) Total no.of books in the library (b) No.of books for use of teachers (c)No.of books available for use by Pupils (d) Periodicals / Newspapers |
7. | Whether adequate furniture available for all purposes (attach list separately, item wise) | ||
8. | Whether Fire Safety measures are available (attach list separately) and fire safety certificate is obtained from the competent authority | ||
9. | Whether Transport facilities are available for students (attach list separately including driver details) | ||
10. | Whether sufficient playground facility is available. Details of area and facilities available –separate sheet | ||
11. | Whether electric power supply is available. Mention policy no. | ||
12. | Whether all necessary records/registers are maintained (attach list separately) | ||
13. | Whether medical facilities are available (attach list separately) | ||
14. | Sanitary Conditions | ||
(i) Whether separate urinals /lavatories are available for Boys and Girls / male and female teachers | |||
(ii) no. of urinals/lavatories for boys | |||
(iii) no. of urinals/lavatories for girls | |||
(iv) No. of urinals/lavatories for male teachers | |||
(v) No. of urinals/lavatories for female teachers | |||
15. | Type and number of drinking water facilities |
(* Separate sheet for specific details of length and breadth of all rooms should be enclosed)
F.2. Additional facilities for the proposed upgradation/Additional classes | |||
Room* | Numbers | Average Size | |
1. | Classroom | ||
2. | Rooms for other purposes (Office room/ room/library/laboratory/Sports/Store room/Kitchen etc.,) | ||
3. | Whether the number of classrooms are adequate for the new classes proposed in up-gradation /starting of next higher class | ||
4. | Teaching and learning materials (Charts/maps/and others- attach list) | ||
5. | Sports and Play equipment (attach list) | ||
6. | Library (a) No.of books in the library (b) No.of books for use of teachers (c)No.of books for use by pupils (d) Periodicals / Newspapers |
7. | Whether adequate furniture available for all purposes (attach list separately, itemwise) | ||
8. | Whether Fire Safety measures are added – Furnish details | ||
9. | Whether Transport facilities are available for students | ||
10. | Whether sufficient playground facility is available. Details of area and facilities available | ||
11. | Whether medical facilities are available (attach list separately) | ||
12. | Sanitary Conditions | ||
(i) Whether additional urinals /lavatories are available for Boys and Girls/male and female teachers | |||
(ii) no. of additional urinals/lavatories for boys | |||
(iii) no. of additional urinals/lavatories for girls | |||
(iv) no. of additional urinals/lavatories for male teachers | |||
(v) no. of additional urinals/lavatories for female teachers | |||
13. | Type and number of drinking water facilities |
(* Separate sheet for specific details of length and breadth of all rooms shall be enclosed)
G. 1. Particulars of Teaching Staff | ||||
1. Teaching in Primary/Upper Primary/Secondary/Higher Secondary (details of each teacher in a separate list) | ||||
Teacher’s name & Designation(1) | Father/Spouse Name(2) | Date of Birth(3) | ||
Academic Qualifications(4) | Professional Qualifications(5) | Trained/Untrained(6) | ||
Appointment date(7) | Pay(8) | Teaching Experience(9) | Class assigned(10) | |
(Note – Particulars are to be provided for each stage separately)
G. 2. Particulars of Teachers for upgradation / additional classes | ||||
1. Teaching in Primary/Upper Primary exclusively (details of each teacher in a separate list) | ||||
Name & Designation(1) | Father/Spouse Name(2) | Date of Birth(3) | ||
Academic Qualifications(4) | Professional Qualifications(5) | Trained/Untrained(6) | ||
Appointment date(7) | Pay(8) | Teaching Experience(9) | Class assigned(10) | |
2. Head Teacher | ||||
Name & Designation(1) | Father/Spouse Name(2) | Date of Birth(3) | ||
Academic Qualifications(4) | Professional Qualifications(5) | Trained/Untrained(6) | ||
Appointment date(7) | Pay(8) | Teaching Experience(9) | ||
3. Non-teaching Staff | ||||
Name & Designation(1) | Father/Spouse Name(2) | Date of Birth(3) | ||
Qualifications(4) | Appointment date(5) | Pay(6) | Work allotted(7) | |
H. Financial Status of the school | |||
(a) | Assets | ||
Description of properties | (value in rupees) | ||
Available | |||
Own | Rented | ||
(i) | Movable | ||
(ii) | Immovable | ||
(iii) | Reserve Fund | ||
(iv) | (iv)Fixed deposits | ||
(v) | Endowment | ||
(vi) | Shares | ||
(b) | Annual Income | ||
(i) | Tuition fees | ||
(ii) | Other sources | ||
-dividends | |||
-endowments | |||
-donations* | |||
-others (specify) | |||
(c) | Annual Expenditure | ||
(i) | Staff expenditure | ||
(ii) | Maintenance | ||
(iii) | Improvement | ||
-teaching aids | |||
-furniture | |||
-library | |||
-laboratory | |||
-sanitary | |||
-playground & games | |||
-other items if any indicate | |||
(d) | Fees charged/to be charged (class wise separately) | ||
(e) | Any other Item Specify |
(* if foreign funding is involved, please provide full particulars including FCRA details )
I. Curriculum and Syllabus | ||
1. | Details of curriculum & Syllabus followed in each class ( elementary/Secondary/Hr.Sec.) | |
2. | System of Pupil Assessment. |
Certified that,-
- the school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law in force from time to time;
- the school is not run for profit to any individual, group or association of individuals or any other persons;
- the school conforms to the values enshrined in the Constitution;
- the school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes of education and skill development;
- the school is open to inspection by the concerned Inspecting officer and any officer authorised by the Director of School Education / Local Authority;
- the school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of School Education/ Inspecting Officers/ Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from time to time and complies with such instructions of the Government of Puducherry / Directorate of School Education/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in the working of the school;
- the school maintains the norms and standards specified under section 19 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009;
- the school (aided private) provides free and compulsory elementary education to such proportion of children admitted therein as its annual recurring aid or grants so received bears to its annual recurring expenses, under section 12 of the Act;
- the school (unaided private) provides reservation of minimum 25 % in class I for the children of disadvantaged groups and children of weaker sections from the neighbourhood area, under section 12 of the Act. In case the school offers pre primary education, this norm shall be followed at the initial stage of admission to pre primary education;
(strike out the para (h or i) which is not applicable) - the school does not collect any capitation fee from students on admission;
- the school does not subject the child or his/her parents/guardians to any screening procedure for admission;
- the school does not subject a child to physical punishment or mental harassment;
- the school does not hold back any child in any class or expel any child from the school till the completion of elementary education;
- the school will submit, every year before the commencement of academic session, fee to be charged from the children of classes LKG/UKG/Class I to Class VIII, to the Inspecting Officer;
- the school complies with the provisions of the Act;
- the infrastructure and sanitation conditions are sufficient for upgradation;
- the application fee is paid;
- The building stability certificate, sanitary certificate from the competent authority and NOC from the Fire Service Dept. have been obtained and enclosed;
- the PPA approval and the building completion certificate have been obtained for the new building and enclosed;
- the school building and its surroundings are suitable for an educational institution.
Place : Date : |
Sd/- Chairman/Manager Management Committee |
School with full address, Pin code and Phone No.
Office Seal
Check List
1. | Form-I (original -3 copies along with Self declaration) | |
2. | Copies of | |
(a) | the Trust / Society Document | |
(b) | Memorandum of Association with Rules | |
(c) | Registration certificate of the Society | |
(d) | Lease / Rent deed for the land and building | |
(e) | Document for ownership land/building | |
(f) | Recognition order of the existing school | |
(g) | Order of grant in aid | |
(h) | Certificate of PPA/KPA/MPA/YPA with building completion certificate, stability certificate, sanitary certificate and Fire Safety Certificate from Fire Service Department | |
(i) | Affiliation order from other Boards, if any | |
(j) | Copies of certificate of Teaching Staff | |
(k) | Photographs of the school building, classrooms, drinking water and toilet facilities, playground, library, laboratory, Fire extinguishers etc., | |
(l) | Vehicle Fitness Certificate and documents about the driver, if any | |
(m) | Audit Report | |
(n) | Other relevant documents if any |
FORM – 2
(Sub rule (5) of Rule 12 of the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011) |
Gram: |
Fax: |
The Head/Correspondent
Sub: Recognition certificate for the school for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
Dear Sir/Madam
With reference to your application dated ----------- and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition to the ------- (name of the school with address) for Class -------- to Class --------- for a period of three years with effect from -------- to ------------ .
The above sanction is subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:
- The grant for recognition is not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII.
- The School shall abide by the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011.
- The aided private school shall provide free and compulsory elementary education to such proportion of children admitted therein as its annual recurring aid or grants so received bears to its annual recurring expenses, under section 12 of the Act.
- The unaided private school shall admit in class I, to the extent of 25% of the strength of that class, children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighbourhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion under section 12 of the Act. Provided, further that in case the school offers pre-primary education this norm shall be followed at the initial stage of admission to pre primary education.
- The Society/School shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure.
The School shall ensure:
- No child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education;
- No child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment;
- No child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of elementary education;
- Every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under Rule 21;
- Inclusion of children with special needs is to be made as per the provisions of the Act;
- The teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under sub section (1) of section 23 of the Act. Provided further that the existing teachers who, at the commencement of this Act, do not possess minimum qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a period of 5 years;
- The teacher performs his/her duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act ; and
- The teacher shall not engage himself or herself in private teaching activities.
- The School shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by appropriate authority.
- The School shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as prescribed in the section 19 of the Act.
- The School shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under:
- No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same name of the school.
- The School buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes of education and skill development.
- The School is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law in force from time to time.
- The School is not run for profit to any individual, group or association of individuals or any other persons.
- The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statements should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the Statements of Accounts should be sent to the concerned Inspecting Officer every year.
- The recognition code number allotted to your school is -----------. This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this office.
- The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of Education/Inspecting Officer/State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of the school.
- Renewal of Registration of Society, if any, shall be ensured.
For the children referred above, the School shall be reimbursed as per section 12 (2) of the Act. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account.
Area of school campus Total built up area Area of play ground No. of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-office-cum-storeroom Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking water facility Barrier free access Availability of Teaching Learning Material Availability of play materials Equipment Library |
: : : : : : : : : : : |
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signatory
FORM – 3
(Sub rules (6) and (7) of Rule 12 of the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011) |
The Manager
Sub: Provisional recognition for the school for the purpose of section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
Dear Sir/Madam
This has reference to your application dt.---------- and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard.
It is found that the school does not fulfill the norms of pupil teacher ratio / the norms and standards other than pupil teacher ratio as specified in the Schedule of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
I convey the grant of provisional recognition to ------------------- (name of the school) for class ---- to class ------- for a period of ---------- months with effect from ---------- on the condition that
(i) the norms of the pupil teacher ratio as specified in the Schedule of the Act shall be fulfilled within this period*.
(ii) the norms and standard as specified in the Schedule of the Act shall be fulfilled within this period*.
(* strike out whoever not applicable)
The above sanction is subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:
- The grant for recognition is not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII.
- The School shall abide by the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011.
- The aided private school shall provide free and compulsory elementary education to such proportion of children admitted therein as its annual recurring aid or grants so received bears to its annual recurring expenses, under section 12 of the Act.
- The unaided private school shall admit in class I, to the extent of 25% of the strength of that class, children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighbourhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion under section 12 of the Act. Provided, further that in case the school offers pre-primary education this norm shall be followed at the initial stage of admission to pre primary education.
- The Society/School shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure.
- The School shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof and shall adhere to the provisions of section 15 of the Act.
The School shall ensure:
- No child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education;
- No child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment;
- No child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of elementary education;
- Every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under Rule 21;
- Inclusion of children with special needs is to be made as per the provisions of the Act;
- The teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the existing teachers who, at the commencement of this Act, do not possess minimum qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a period of 5 years;
- The teacher performs his/her duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act and
- The teacher shall not engage himself or herself in private teaching activities.
- The School shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by appropriate authority.
- The School shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as prescribed in the section 19 of the Act.
- The School shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under:
- No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same name of the school.
- The School buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes of education and skill development.
- The School is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law in force from time to time.
- The School is not run for profit to any individual, group or association of individuals or any other persons.
- The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statements should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the Statements of Accounts should be sent to the concerned Inspecting Officer every year.
- The recognition code number allotted to your school is -----------. This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this office.
- The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of Education/Inspecting Officer/State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of the school.
- Renewal of Registration of Society, if any, shall be ensured.
For the children referred above, the School shall be reimbursed as per section 12 (2) of the Act. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account.
Area of school campus Total built up area Area of play ground No. of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-office-cum-storeroom Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking water facility Barrier free access Availability of Teaching Learning Material Availability of play materials Equipment Library |
: : : : : : : : : : : |
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signatory
FORM – 4
(Rule 21 of “The Puducherry Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011”) |
This is to certify that Selvan/Selvi ……………………………………. ………............s/o / d/o / w/o Thiru ………………………………………............................................. and
Tmt.…………………………………………...... residing at ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...................................
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. and having Aadhar number ……………………………………………… was a
student of this School from the academic year …………. to ………….and that he/she completed the elementary education in …………………………… (month & year).
The Pupil Cumulative Record is attached.
He/She has proven ability in ………………………….……………………………(scholastic areas) and in …………………………………………………. (co-scholastic areas).
Place: Date: |
Head of School
……………………………… ……………………………… |
School seal | (School name & address) |
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... |