The National Foundation for the teachers welfare fund was setup in 1962 under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890. The Management and the Administration of the Foundation is directed by a General Committee under the Chairmanship of the Union Minister of Human Resource Development.
- Grant of financial assistance for construction of Shikshak Sadans
- Paid holiday to eminent teachers who have rendered meritorious service
- Support for professional education of children of school teachers
- Gratuitous relief to teachers in cases of serious accidents
- Subsidy for academic activity of teachers
Proposals are considered from States/UTs for grant of financial assistance for construction of 10/20 room Shikshak Sadans in places of historical, cultural and tourist importance. The minimum rent chargeable from the teachers at these Shikshak Sadans is Rs.25 per day. The objective of the scheme is to enable the teachers from different parts of the country to visit these places at nominal cost, and spend their leisure in a meaningful manner while simultaneously promoting national integration.
Proposals should contain the following:
- Plan with detailed estimates
- Undertaking from the concerned State Working Committee that the facility of the Shikshak Sadan will be made available to teachers from other States/UTs/KVs, and that the rent chargeable from them will not exceed Rs.25 per day.
The location of a Shikshak Sadan should preferably be within the campus of a school, to be identified by the State Govt./UT, so that land is available free of cost.
The grant for Shikshak Sadans is released in two instalments. In cases where the proposals are for single storied building, the first instalment of 50% is released after tenders are finalised, and the second instalment of 50% is released when the construction has reached the roof level. In respect of double storied buildings, the first instalment of 60% is released after tenders are finalised and the remaining 40% is released when the first floor is completed.
For the purpose of this scheme, teachers who have been honoured with National or State awards, are considered to belong to the category of eminent teachers. Financial assistance is granted to the teacher and spouse to visit any place in India for a maximum of 14 days once in five years. The teacher/spouse may visit a number of places but financial assistance will be restricted to AC-III Tier rail fare (by the direct shortest route, from headquarters to the farthest place identified by the teacher) and a Daily Allowance of Rs.200 per day for the teacher.
.Proposals from State / UT should contain the following:
- Photocopy of certificate of National/State Award granted to the teacher.
- Information whether the spouse is accompanying the teacher.
- Farthest place proposed to be visited.
- Dates of visit (commencement of journey and return to headquarters)
- Actual fare payable ( to and fro )
On return from the visit the teacher has to submit a tour report as well as proof of having visited the place identified by him/her. The particulars of journey are to be submitted in a T.A. bill form. The tour report and the T.A. bill are required to be countersigned by the Secretary-Treasurer of the State / UT before they are submitted to the Foundation for reimbursement.
Under this scheme, financial assistance is granted to children of school teachers pursuing professional courses. For this purpose, the following courses have been identified as professional courses:
- Engineering degree course of 4 years duration (8 semesters) in the disciplines of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics.
- Courses in electronics and telecommunications, computer science, automobile and chemical engineering, architecture, textiles, mining, rubber technology, naval architecture, petroleum engineering, pharmacy, printing, chemical technology, metallurgical engineering, instrumentation and control and aeronautical engineering are also considered professional courses.
- Diploma courses of not less than 3 years duration in the disciplines mentioned above.
- Medical courses in Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic forms of medicines. Veterinary science is also considered as professional course.
- Diploma course of not less than 2 years duration in B.Pharmacy.
- Management courses with duration of not less than 2 years after degree courses.
In order to claim financial assistance, the teacher has to submit original cash receipts, along with a certificate from the college mentioning that the ward of the teacher is a bonafide student of the college. While scrutinising the applications, the State Working Committee has to take into consideration the actual fee paid towards tuition, library and laboratory and make suitable recommendations. No assistance is granted to students who have failed or are already recipients of a scholarship etc. Financial assistance is granted based on the actual fee paid towords tuition, library and laboratory, subject to a maximum of Rs.15,000 per annum.
This scheme is applicable to both teachers and their dependents. Under this scheme, financial assistance is granted to teachers and their dependents who are suffering from serious ailments like cancer, heart disease or kidney failure. In order to claim financial assistance under this scheme, the teacher/dependent should have obtained treatment in a hospital. No financial assistance is granted for treatment obtained from private doctors / clinics etc.
Before making recommendations, the State Working Committee is required to take into account the actual payments made to the hospital (or towards cost of medicines) on the basis of cash receipts submitted by the applicant. The quantum of financial assistance is decided on the basis of actual payments made by the teachers to the hospital (or towards medicines purchased), subject to a maximum of Rs.20,000 in cases where medical reimbursement facilities are not available in schools and Rs.10,000 where medical reimbursement facilities are available.
This scheme is meant for teachers only. Under this scheme, a gratuitous payment is made to a teacher who is suffering from a serious injury following an accident. An injury which involves a permanent disability (i.e. loss of limb, hand, eyesight or hearing) alone is considered a serious injury for purposes of this scheme. The financial assistance is based on proof of hospitalisation and submission of a certificate of permanent disability from the hospital. No financial assistance is granted for treatment of fractures etc., and for treatment obtained from private doctors/clinic. Under this scheme, the maximum financial assistance that can be granted is Rs.20,000 in each case.
Under this scheme, proposals forwarded by States / UTs for granting financial assistance to a teacher (or group of teachers) for publication or for the development of reading material of relevance to teachers and students are considered. In case the proposal is for publishing a book, the teacher has to submit print order indicating cost of printing, number of copies proposed to be printed, name and address of publisher, and also indicating whether the book would be priced or is meant for free distribution. The teacher is required to submit to the Foundation complimentary copy of the publication along with a bill from the printer. The quantum of financial assistance is based on the actual printing cost subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000. No assistance is granted for printing text books, guides etc.