CEO, Mahe supervises and inspects both Govt. and Private Schools upto High School stage existing in Mahe region. The other activities are given below:
- Co-ordination and superivion of academic, financial, cultural and other activities of the Higher Secondary Schools in Mahe region.
- Supervision of the functions of pre-primary school in Mahe Region.
- Setting up of question papers for Lower Primary classes, conduct of examinations.
- Propposal for acquisition of lands and construction of school buildings
- Financial matters and budget.
- Conduct of sports meet, exhibitions, seminars.
- Supply of Midday meals, breakfast.
- Supply of Uniforms, dictionaries, books and stationery.
- Conduct of Balakalamela, Science Exhibition, preticipation of shools in Republic Day & Independence Day, participation of schools in various competitions, Observance of important days, etc.,
- Inspection of Private Schools, Purchase and supply of teaching materials, books and stationery and free supply items to the schools.
- Regular meeting of the Heads of the schools are convened by the CEO to conduct various functions/exhibitions/seminars/sports activities/admission including for JNV/conduct of cultural programmes like Balakalamela.
- Monthly returns are collected from the schools to assess the students and staff strength, facilities, etc., New education scheme like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Electoral,Census activities and utilizing the office staff members and teachers are also co-ordinated by this Office.
- Permission for admission of students to High School classes on transfer from other Institutions.
- Orders for admission of students in High Schools after private study.
- Proposals for upgradation of Primary and Middle Schools both Govt. and Private.
- Conduct of SSLC / Matric Public Examinations.
- Conduct of Jawahar Navodhaya School Entrace Examination.