Pondicherry is being a window of French Culture is catering to the needs of French Education since 1883. In those days, French Education was conducted communewise and after DE Jure transfer French Education is governed by a set of French rules as laid down in the Arette. During 1893 there were four high schools, two in Pondicherry one in Mahe another in Karaikal, one Middle school and two Primary school in Pondicherry. As days went by, the strength of the French schools got reduced and the schools have been closed for want of students. Hence at present there are only two High schools in Pondicherry, one for boys at Calve College and another for girls at Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles. The other schools are, one in Karaikal, and another in Mahe. The total strength of students is around 450.
There is an Advisory Committee for French Education headed by Hon'ble Minister for Education as Chairman and Secretary (Education) is the vice Chairman and the Deputy Director (French Education) is the Member Secretary for the said Committee. The Advisory Committee meets once in sex month and reviews the work done and formulates proposals for future.
The final Examination (i.e) Brevet Elementaire Public Examination which is equivalent to Matriculation is being conducted by the Department in two sessions, one in March and another one in June and CEPE de frs. (Certificat d' etudes Primaires Elementaires francais) in April.
- The Advisory Committee for French Education has been set up in 1994.
- The scholarship scheme was introduced for students completing Brevet Elementaire in French Medium Schools for continuing their higher studies at Lycee Francais.
- Five seats have been reserved in Higher Secondary Schools for
Brevet students in Pondicherry, Karaikal and Mahe for their higher
- Two seats have been reserved in the DIET, Teacher Training Centre for the Brevet students.
- The staff of the French Medium Schools are being periodically trained by the staff of the Lycee Francais in order to enhance their performance and to update themselves in the teaching methods followed in France.
- English has been introduced from Vth Std., and this is a subject for the Brevet Elementaire, CEPE de frs. Examinations from June 2000 onwards.
- The syllabus for French Medium Schools have been revised en par with the syllabus of Lycee Francais.
The Pattern of Examination being conducted in the French Schools:
MONTH EXAMINATION August Examen Mi-Trimestriel (I Mid-term) September Examen Trimestriel (Quaterly) November Examen Mi-Semestriel (II Mid-term) December Examen Semestriel (Halferly) March Examen Mi-Annual (III Mid-term) April Examen Annual, (Annual Examination)
Apart from the above said examination un devoir (Class test) being conducted in every subject for the Primary and Secondary level students. - Brevet Elementaire francais public examination which is equivalent to Matriculation examination is being conducted every year in March (1 st session) and in June (2 nd session), candidates who secured 120 marks out of 240 in the written examination are eligible for the oral examination which will be conducted in the following week. Those who secured 50% of the total marks in the oral exam are being declared pass in the Brevet Elementaire examination.
- Candidates who secured 50% of the pass mark (120) are eligible to appear in the June session and in candidate who registered for the March session and failed to appear in the March session due to medical grounds are eligible to appear for the June session (provided they should produce the medical certificate before the beginning of the examination).
- CEPE de francais examination which is equivalent to 8th std being conducted in all the French schools of the Union Territory having common question paper.
The students and staff strength are as follows:
Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles, Pondicherry Calve College (French Section), Pondicherry College d'Enseignement Secondaire, Karaikal Ecole Central et Cours Complementaire Mahe Students Strength 267 168 51 69 Staff Strength 45 19 24 19
- This section deals with preparation of all kinds of bills including Pay/Wages/TA/MR/LTC/GPF/any arrear bills, etc. and maintenance of Pay Bill Registers pertaining to the staff of all teaching and non-teaching staff under the control of Deputy Director of Education(Women).
- Dealing of all correspondence and preparation of annual Budget and related matters.
Advisory Committee Meeting
- Conducting Advisory Committee Meeting having the Hon'ble Education Minister as Chairman, Education Secretary, The Director of Education, Under Secretary Education, Deputy Director (French Education) and other distinguished personalities related to French Education.
Seminar of French Education
- Conducting Seminar for the progress of the French Education.
First Seminar conducted at Mahe on December 1994 Second Seminar
conducted at Karaikal on September 2000.
- Conducting Training programmes for teachers periodically. The teachers were also sponsored to attend training programme conducted by the Lycee Francais at Pondichery
- Conducting Brevet Elementaire Public Examination which is equivalent to matriculation Public Examination in two session, one in March and another one in June also conducting CEPE de frs. Examination for the 6th std. Students in Pondicherrry, Karaikal and Mahe regions having common question paper.
- Convening syllabus committee every year and decide the syllabus for the 10th standard public examination (Brevet Elementaire Examination).
- Best teachers Chief Ministers award is being instituted from the year 2003 for the dedicated and meritorious teachers working in the French Medium Schools in the Union territory of Pondicherry.
In 1826 Nr. DEBASSYNS DE RICHEMONT, the Governor of French India called the sisters of St. JOSEPH OF CLUNY from BOURBON to open a Boarding School for young girls under the Auspices of the Government which was started on 10th February 1826.
- In 1903 the Government of French India took possession of the School PENSIONNAT DE JEUNES FILLES. This building has been donated by Mrs. SMITH, a zealous and high VIRTUOUS person.
- This School prepared young girls for the examinations of 'CERTIFICATE', 'BREVET ELEMENTAIRE' AND 'BREVET SUPERIEUR'.
This Institution was constructed in 1875 by Calve Subburaya Chettiar Originally it was a Private aided school (1875 - 1877)
Today Calve College Has The Following
- The French Section comprising 10 classes from cpl to 3e preparing
students for French Brevet Examinations and CEPE de frs. Examination.
- The English section preparing the students for Matriculation and +2 Examination.
The old and reputed school, College Moderne, was founded by the French in 1849 in Karaikal. This school was the first of its kind to impart free education to all, in Karaikal region and it was also the only French High School for all the 6 communes of Karaikal District.
Mahe is the unique part of Pondicherry State, situated on the West Coast, where we can find so many elements and residue of French Rule in Pondicherry; they are vanishing day by day in Mahe. The only predominant institution founded by the French and existing even at present in Mahe is the age old French School namely Cours Complementaires, Mahe, which could celebrate its centenary in 1991.
*. Students who have competed 3 years can be admitted in the Maternelle (LKG) in Pendionnat de Jeunes Filles, Pondicherry and students who have completed 5 years can be admitted in CPI (1st std) which is available in Ecole Centrale at Cours Complementaires, Mahe, College d' Ensiegnement Secondaire, Karaikal, Pensionnat de Jeunes Filles, Pondicherry and Calve College (French Section), Pondicherry.