30/01/2025 |
DSE-D.Estt-Promotion to the post of Headmaster Grade I on adhoch basis - Orders - Issued. |
19/12/2024 |
DSE-Estt.III-Promotion to the post of Lecturer (Physical Education) from Physical Education Teacher on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
29/11/2024 |
DSE-Estt.I-Promotion to the post of Vice Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
26/11/2024 |
DSE-Estt.II-Promotion to the post of Trained Graduate Teacher (Tamil) - Orders - Issued. |
12/11/2024 |
DSE-Estt.I-Promotion to the post of Vice Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
25/10/2024 |
DSE-Estt.I-Promotion to the post of Vice Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
14/10/2024 |
DSE-Est.III-Promotion to the post of Trained Graduate Teacher in respect of Tmt. A. Devy from Primary School Teacher in Puducherry region on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
01/10/2024 |
DSE-Estt.II-Promotion to the post of Trained Graduate Teacher (Language) - Orders - Issued. |
20/09/2024 |
DSE - Dte.Estt - Promotion to the post of Head Masters Grade II on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
29/08/2024 |
DSE-Estt-III - Promotion to the post of Lecturer ( Physical Education) from Physical Education Teachers on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
31/07/2024 |
DSE-Dte.Estt-Promotion to the post of Head Master Grade II on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
17/11/2023 |
DSE-D.Estt-Promotion to the post of HM Grade II - Addendum - Reg. |
19/09/2023 |
Promotion to the post of Trained Graduate Teachers from Primary School Teachers in Puducherry, Karaikal and Mahe region on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
05/09/2023 |
DSE - Estt.II - Promotion to the post of Lecturer in various disciplines - Corrigendum - Issued |
30/08/2023 |
DSE-Estt.II-Promotion to the post of Lecturer in various disciplines - Orders - Issued. |
03/08/2023 |
DSE-Dte.Estt- Promotion to the post of Head Master Grade II on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
10/07/2023 |
DSE-Promotion to the post of Vice-Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
02/01/2023 |
DSE-Promotion to the post of Vice-Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued. |
29/07/2022 |
DSE - Promotion to the post of Vice-Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
10/02/2022 |
DSE - Estt.III - Promotions to the post of Trained Graduate Teachers - Orders - Issued |
02/11/2021 |
Promotion to the post of Lecturer (Physical Education) Teachers in Puducherry and Karaikal region on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
27/10/2021 |
DSE - Estt.I - Promotion of Lecturers to the post of Vice - Principal on regualr basis - Orders - Issued |
15/11/2021 |
29/01/2021 |
DSE - Estt.II - Promotion to the post of Lecturer in various disciplines - Orders - Issued |
14/12/2020 |
DSE - Estt-II - Discipline wise panel of Promotees for the post of Lecturer - Schedule of Counseling - Intimated |
10/11/2020 |
DSE - Estt-III - Promotion to the post Headmaster of Primary Schools in Yanam region on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
10/11/2020 |
DSE - Estt-III - Promotion to the post Headmaster / Headmistress of Primary Schools in Karaikal region on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
03/11/2020 |
DSE - Estt-I - Promotion of Lecturers to the post of Vice-Principal on regular bais - Orders - Issued |
15/07/2020 |
DSE - Estt.II - Filling up of vacancies in various disciplines in the post of Lecturer in the Department by way of promotion - List of eligible / willing TGTs - Circulated |
12/06/2020 |
DSE - Esst.III - Promotion to the post of Headmaster/Headmistress of Primary Schools in Puducherry and Karaikal region / Mahe region / Yanam region on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
22/06/2020 |
22/05/2020 |
DSE - Esst.III - Filling up of vacancies in the cadre of Headmaster (Primary) through counselling - Schedule of Counselling - Intimation - Reg. |
18/05/2020 |
Effecting general Transfer in the cadre of Headmaster(Primary) and offering promotion to the post of Headmaster(Primary) through Counselling- Intimation - Reg Circular / Acceptance/Declining Letter |
20/05/2020 |
21/04/2020 |
Promotion to the post of Head Master Gr.II - Orders - Issued |
22/01/2020 |
Filling up of vacancies in the cadre of Headmaster Gr.II by promotion - Schedule of counselling - Reg |
17/01/2020 |
Effecting general transfers in the cadre of Headmaster Gr.II and offering promotion to the post of HM Gr.II through counselling - Schedule of counselling - Intimated |
17/09/2019 |
Promotion of Lecturers to the post of Vice-Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
18/02/2019 |
Promotion of Lecturers to the post of Vice-Principal on regular basis - Orders - Issued |
05/02/2019 |
Filling up of Vacancies in various disciplines in the cadre of Lecturer in the Department by way of promotion - Service particulars of eligible teachers - Called for - Reg. |
15/02/2019 |